Sunday Gathering
Each Sunday we gather as the family of God, the body of Christ honor Him and worship Him through reading Scripture, singing of praise, praying together, studying God’s Word together eating and fellowshipping together. Through these activities seek to one another in our faith so we will stay faithful to Christ and be good witnesses for Him in the world during week.
In preparation for this time each one is asked to study the Bible individually at home. Then on Tuesday we discuss together what we've read and look for answers to the questions that arise from the Scripture. Fellowship, games, studying the Bible, tea and cookies - all of this help us to maintain our relationships during the week.
During the worship service, we have Sunday School classes for children of all ages. The kids have an opportunity to listen to a Bible story, do a craft, play some interesting games and spend fun time with their friends.
We focus special time and energy on encouraging, helping, teaching and guiding young people, so they can learn more about God and how to serve people in order for God's will to be fulfilled in their lives.